Managing Digital Exhaust and Privacy

Managing Digital Exhaust and Privacy

The way we interact with technology leaves behind a trail of data. This residual data, known as digital exhaust, includes emails, browsing history, social media activity, and much more. While it may seem inconsequential, digital exhaust is packed with insights into...
Mastering Data Recovery Services

Mastering Data Recovery Services

In a digital world, losing data has a damaging impact on businesses, leading to financial losses and reputational damage. Recent statistics have found recovery loss of data can range from $200 to over $2,000. So, small businesses, in particular, often struggle to cope...
The Dangers of Exfiltrated Data

The Dangers of Exfiltrated Data

Data is the lifeblood of your business. From customer information to trade secrets, organizations rely on data to thrive. But what happens when this valuable data falls into the wrong hands? In this blog post, we will explore the concept of exfiltrated data, its...
10 Steps to End-to-End Encryption 

10 Steps to End-to-End Encryption 

In a modern digital landscape rife with swirling concerns around data protection, cybersecurity best practices are of paramount importance for businesses of all sizes. With the increasing prevalence of data breaches and privacy concerns, organizations must adopt...
10 Steps to a Comprehensive Security Plan

10 Steps to a Comprehensive Security Plan

Let’s face facts: cybercrime is an ever-looming threat. The World Economic Forum ranks cybercrime and cyber insecurity as one of the top 10 most severe global risks affecting the next decade. From a cost perspective, Cybersecurity Ventures states that the total cost...